NEVITEC Vision Technologies is born


It is a pleasure to communicate the growth of the Bcnvision company. We became the Bcnvision Group, made up of 3 companies:

Bcnvision with headquarters in Barcelona, ​​delegations throughout Spain and a subsidiary in Morocco, we continue with its activity as up to now, sale of devices related to artificial vision, specific solutions or custom developments, services, etc.

And from June 1 begins its activity Nevitec Vision Technologies SL This company was born to respond to the growing demand for artificial vision solutions. After years of experience in a multitude of sectors, listening to their needs and understanding their problems, Bcnvision decides to create a company that specializes in providing artificial vision solutions, replicable in the industry and developed by our R + D + I department, which Until now they were not possible without artificial intelligence, especially in the Food Industry.

For the logistics sector, another of our strengths at Nevitec, we will continue to go hand in hand with Cognex as one of its Logistics Partner Integrator, covering all logistics processes, from the entry, preparation of orders and exit of goods.

Our way of working remains the same, thanks to the experience in the industry of Grupo Bcnvision , we collaborate with a wide range of engineering firms . We will work with the most suitable for your product and sector and together with them we will provide the machine or final solution you need.

Offering the most advanced solutions on the market to improve the production and competitiveness of our clients is our mission.

Bcnvision Group

Nevitec Vision Technologies SL