COVID-19 official press release


We cannot control the situations that life puts us, but we control the attitude we take towards them

According to the current situation, we want to send a message of calm and optimism. For Bcnvision, the health of its employees is a priority, since March 11, 95% of our employees work from home. The remaining 5% carry out their work in their offices, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Our supervisory committee, and in the current circumstances, analyzes each case of all staff and daily monitor their activity in order to continue to offer our customers the best service.

We continue to work! We see these days as an opportunity to:

  • Advance in a telematic manner, all internal training courses planned for the year.
  • Learn to work with new practices with more agility way by meeting face to face using the technological tools
  • Update our manuals, databases, procedures, etc.
  • Dedicate more time to what we could not do on the ordinary day.

In short, we love to see the opportunity in whatever situation presents us.